The firm’s Custom practice covers issues affecting imported merchandise including its admissibility, the determination and calculation of duties due, and clearance and release and cargo security issues involving US Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security.
Counsel and Advice on:
- Classification and Valuation
- Marking and Labeling
- Cargo and Supply Chain Security
- Importer Security Filing (ISF)
- U.S. Goods Returned
- Customs Brokers/Powers of Attorney
- Audits and Investigations
- Focused Assessments
- Recordkeeping
- Temporary Imports, Bonded Warehouses and Foreign Trade Zones
- Generalized System of Preferences
- Caribbean Basin Initiative and other Preference Programs
- Free Trade Agreements
- Special Regime
- Drawback
- Returning Travelers
- Protection of Trademarks and Copyrights
Preparation of:
- Responses to Customs Notices
- Protests
- Binding Ruling Requests
- Penalty Petitions
- Court Actions
- Manifest Confidentiality Certifications
We also work with other agencies such as:
- Food and Drug Administration for food, drugs, medical devices, and certain radiation emission controls.
- Federal Communications Commission for electronic items interfering with radio communications.
- Federal Trade Commission for textile and country of origin marking issues.
- Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau for alcoholic beverages.
- Commerce Department for steel and textile issues.
- Treasury Department for monetary instruments and foreign assets control.
- Consumer Product Safety Commission for toys, sleepwear and flammable fabrics.
- Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation for motor vehicles and other items.